Delicious Cornish Hen Recipe: Easy & Flavorful

Have you ever wanted to make a fancy dish at home? This simple recipe for roasted Cornish hen is just what you need. It’s great for a special date night or when you’re having friends over. Cornish hens are great for small meals or close gatherings because they are usually between 1.5 to 2 pounds each12.

All you need are basic ingredients and kitchen items. You can make a tasty and sophisticated Cornish hen. It’s seasoned with garlic, lemon, rosemary, and thyme1. The dry rub features Italian seasoning, smoked paprika, and more1.

I’ll guide you through seasoning, roasting, and serving these hens. It takes about 1 hour and 25 minutes total3. They bake at 400Β°F for 50 to 60 minutes. Make sure it’s 165Β°F in the thigh meat, then they’re ready2.

This dish is tasty and good for you, too. It’s a healthy choice, packed with protein and vitamins32. You can save leftovers for later, up to several months in the freezer. That way, you can enjoy it more than once.

Key Takeaways

  • Cornish hens are perfect for personal meals because they’re small in size.
  • This recipe has a delicious mix of herbs, aromatics, and a special dry rub.
  • Roast the hens at 400Β°F until they hit 165Β°F inside for safe and tasty eating.
  • They offer good protein and vitamins A, C, so it’s a nutritious pick for dinner.
  • Keep any extra food in the fridge for 3-4 days or freeze it for up to 3 months.

Introduction to Cornish Hens

Looking for a dish that’s both show-stopping and simple to make? Look no further than Cornish hens. Since being shared in 2015, this meal has been a favorite. It’s perfect for a smaller holiday feast or a special weeknight dinner4.

You’ll love how easy it is to clean up after making this meal. It only takes about an hour to cook. This makes it a great option for cutting back on holiday dinner stress or for any special dinner4.

What are Cornish Hens?

Cornish hens are actually a cross between Cornish hens and White Plymouth Rock chickens5. They look different from regular chickens. They’re thicker and have more meat, making them perfect for special meals like Thanksgiving5. A Cornish game hen usually weighs between 18 and 32 ounces and is processed when it’s 3 to 4 weeks old6.

Cornish Hens vs. Chickens

Cornish hens are indeed a kind of chicken, but they stand out. They’re much smaller, weighing only about 1 to 1 1/4 pounds6. This small size is great for serving one bird per person. Each diner gets a whole bird to themselves with a juicy breast, tender leg, and crispy skin.

Even though Cornish hens are smaller, they taste similar to regular chicken. They shine in how they look and the convenience of serving everyone their own bird. This makes them wonderful for special occasions or to make an ordinary dinner feel special at home4.

Why You’ll Love This Cornish Hen Recipe

Looking for an amazing yet simple Cornish hen recipe? You’ve found it! This recipe is full of flavor and easy to make. It’s quicker to cook than a whole chicken or turkey. That’s great for a fast weeknight dinner or a celebration meal.

Cornish hens are small, usually under 2 pounds. This means they cook fast and evenly7. You only need 10 minutes to get them ready, and they cook in just 1 hour. This includes their big breasts with juicy meat, much more tender than a regular sized chicken7.

What makes this Cornish hen recipe special is you can change the seasoning as you like. Add your favorite herbs, fresh citrus, or garlic. With my personal seasoning blend, I’ve mixed fresh herbs, zesty citrus, tasty vegetables, and a bit of smoke. It’s the result of many cooking experiments!

Roasting Cornish hens right is key. Start by heating your oven to 450Β°F7. For smaller hens, about 1.4 pounds, roast at this high heat for 20 minutes. Then, lower the temperature to 350Β°F. Continue cooking for about 40 more minutes8. If your hens are bigger than 1.4 pounds, they might need 50-60 minutes instead8. Always check that they reach 165Β°F at the thickest part for safety78.

This Cornish hen dish is not just tasty. It’s also healthy, with a lot of protein and other good stuff. Each serving has 81 grams of protein, 13 grams of fiber, plus vitamin C and iron9. For a romantic meal or to feed a crowd, this recipe will win everyone over.

Ingredients for Roasted Cornish Hens

This delectable roasted Cornish hen recipe needs carefully picked ingredients. They infuse the hens with incredible flavor and aroma. Let’s explore the key items that make this dish special.

Cornish Hens

The recipe stars the Cornish hens themselves. You’ll need two whole Cornish hens, each about 1 to 1 1/2 pounds10. Cornish hens are praised for their tender, juicy meat and light flavor. This makes them ideal for special meals. They’re also lower in calories than regular chickens11, a great point for calorie watchers.

Herbs and Aromatics

We’ll use fresh herbs and aromatics to boost the hens’ flavor. You’ll need 2 sprigs of rosemary and 4 of thyme for a lovely herb smell. Also, 1 large onion, cut into four pieces, and 6 garlic cloves. These will add a rich flavor to the hens.

Seasoning and Marinade

The seasoning and marinade make these Cornish hens pop. For the dry rub seasoning, mix 1 teaspoon each of salt and pepper. Add 1 tablespoon of Italian seasoning, 2 teaspoons of smoked paprika, 1 teaspoon of garlic powder, and 1/4 teaspoon of red pepper flakes. This spicy blend will form a tasty crust while roasting.

You’ll also need 1 lemon, sliced, for a citrus touch. Rub the hens with half a lime each, and drizzle with 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Season with chili powder, cumin, kosher salt, and black pepper. This mix of spices and citrus keeps the hens juicy and flavorful as they cook.

With these ingredients, herbs, and seasoning, you’re on your way to a memorable roasted Cornish hen dish. It’s perfect for impressing your loved ones. The total prep time for this is only 10 minutes12, making this an easy yet impressive meal.

How to Prepare Cornish Hens for Roasting

To prepare Cornish hens for roasting, you need to clean, dry, and season them. These hens are small, usually weighing one to two pounds, which is great for a single serving11. Each hen in this recipe is around 1 ΒΌ to 1 Β½ pounds13.

Cleaning and Patting Dry

First, clean your hens well. Take out any giblets or fat from the inside, and rinse them in cold water. Dry them thoroughly with paper towels. This step helps their skin get crispy as they roast. You can buy Cornish hens in a two-pack at many stores all year13.

Seasoning the Hens

After cleaning and drying, season your hens. Use a good amount of your favorite seasoning or dry rub inside and on the skin. A tasty marinade includes garlic, spices like paprika and thyme, lemon or lime juice, and olive oil11.

Try different herbs and spices to see what you like best.

Then, put the hens in a roasting pan. Add herbs like rosemary and thyme, along with garlic, onion, and lemon slices. Lastly, pour olive oil over the hens to help them brown and crisp. They should cook until the thickest part reads 165 degrees F with a meat thermometer1311.

By cleaning, drying, and seasoning your Cornish hens well, you can enjoy a tasty meal. Roasted Cornish Game Hens make a special yet affordable dish, contrary to what some might think13.

Simple Cornish Hen Recipe Steps

Follow these simple steps to impress your loved ones with a delicious Cornish hen dish. These hens are small, weighing around 1 to 2 pounds each, perfect for one person14. Set your oven to 400Β°F (200Β°C) and get a roasting pan with a rack ready.

Start by rinsing the hens in cold water and then drying them carefully. Sprinkle salt and pepper inside and out14. For rich flavor, stuff each hen with garlic, lemon, and herbs like rosemary and thyme14. The recipe recommends using 15 to 20 garlic cloves11.

Cover the hens in olive oil or melted butter. Tie their legs with kitchen twine to help them cook evenly. Then, place them on the roasting rack, breast-side up.

Put the roasting pan into the oven. Let them cook for 50 to 60 minutes, or until they reach 165Β°F14. The hens must hit 165 degrees F internally11. After 15 minutes, lower the oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Keep cooking for about 30 more minutes, until done15.

After baking, let the hens rest for 20 minutes. This makes the meat extra tender and flavorful15. Cut them in half or serve them whole, according to what you like. Drip some pan juices over them for more taste.

I love how easy it is to prepare these Cornish hens. They always turn out juicy and flavorful, and they make an impressive presentation for dinner parties.

Remember, cooking times might change based on the hens’ sizes and your oven. Always use a meat thermometer to ensure they’re fully cooked15. The recipe notes a cooking time of 1 to 1 hour and 15 minutes11.

With just a few steps, you can serve up succulent and tasty Cornish hens. This recipe is perfect for any occasion or a quiet evening in. It will surely please everyone at the table.

Tips for Perfectly Roasted Cornish Hens

Roasting Cornish hens well is simpler than you’d imagine. Just follow a few easy steps for moist, tasty meat every time. You’ll learn about the perfect cooking temperature and times. Discover why a meat thermometer is key. And the importance of letting your hens rest before enjoying.


Ideal Cooking Temperature and Time

Getting the right cooking temperature and time is key. Start by preheating your oven to 400Β°F. Usually, you roast Cornish game hens at 375Β°F for 50 to 60 minutes or until they’re 165Β°F inside the thigh16. For crispier skin and even cooking, start at 450F for 25 minutes. Then, lower the heat to 350F and cook for another 25 minutes. Keep cooking until they reach 165 degrees inside16.

Using a Meat Thermometer

A meat thermometer is crucial for perfect Cornish hens. Stick it into the thickest part of the thigh. The hens are ready when it reaches 165Β°F17. A thermometer makes sure your hens are cooked right through, making them safe to eat16.

Letting the Hens Rest

After reaching the ideal temperature, take your hens out. Cover them in foil and let them sit for 10 minutes. This resting time is important. It lets the juices spread, making the meat tender and tastier.

Use these tips to roast Cornish hens perfectly. Adjust the cooking time for different sizes and trust your meat thermometer. You’ll soon surprise everyone with a meal they’ll love.

Variations and Customization Options

Our simple cornish hen recipe needs just three ingredients. But you can easily make it fit your taste. Add more spices for a richer flavor. Or include other sides for a more filling meal.

Changing Up the Seasoning

Spice things up by trying different herbs and spices. Go beyond salt and pepper. Add rosemary, oregano, or thyme for a fragrant, tasty twist. These herbs make cornish hens even more delicious.

You could also mix your own spice rub or marinade. Use flavors you love, like a paprika rub or a lemon-herb marinade. This is your chance to get creative with seasoning your cornish hens.

Adding Citrus or Garlic

For a zesty flavor, use citrus fruits with your hens. Lemon and orange add a tangy kick. Stuff the hens with fruit before cooking or make a citrus glaze for the end18.

Garlic is great for adding depth to your hens. Rub minced garlic under the skin with butter or olive oil. This will create a mouthwatering lemon garlic cornish hen dish.

Variation Ingredients Instructions
Herb-Roasted Cornish Hens 2 tsp each: rosemary, thyme, oregano Mix herbs with olive oil and rub all over hens before roasting.
Lemon-Garlic Cornish Hens 2 lemons (quartered), 4 garlic cloves (minced) Stuff each hen with lemon quarters and rub minced garlic under the skin.
Spice-Rubbed Cornish Hens 2 tbsp your favorite spice blend (e.g., jerk seasoning, Cajun seasoning) Rub spice blend all over hens, under and over the skin, before roasting.

Try herb-roasted, lemon-garlic, or spice-rubbed cornish hens. Each one will be a hit. Mix and match to find your favorite. Your taste buds will be delighted!

Serving Suggestions for Roasted Cornish Hens

When serving Cornish hens, you have a few options. You can offer each person a whole roasted Cornish hen. But remember this might be a generous portion, especially if the hens are closer to 2 pounds19. These hens usually weigh between 1.5 and 2 pounds. So, each hen equals a single meat serving at a meal20.

Cutting the Hens in Half

Cutting the hens in half after they’ve cooked is my favorite. It gives a more reasonable portion and lets everyone savors the juicy, flavorful meat. For slicing the hens, a sharp, long knife is essential. A cleaver or strong kitchen shears also work well. Start by slicing between the breasts with steady force until fully halved.

Drizzling with Pan Juices

The pan drippings from roasting are a tasty addition. They add a great flavor to the Cornish hens. Once on a platter, generously drizzle the halved hens with these pan juices. This step makes the meat more moist and tasteful.

For a great look, decorate the platter with thyme, lemon slices, and rosemary. Serve the hens on creamy mashed potatoes. This lets the pan juices blend with the potatoes, creating a mouthwatering mix of textures and flavors.

Side Dishes to Pair with Cornish Hens

Choosing the right side dish for Cornish hens is exciting. There are many great choices, but salads are a favorite for their fresh taste21. Some perfect salad picks are the Fall Kale and Quinoa Butternut Squash Salads21. These options pair well with the hens, like the Shredded Brussels Sprout and Apple Salads21.

Vegetable sides also make a winning match with Cornish hens. They add health and taste to your meal21. Dishes like Roasted Whole Carrots or Baked Asparagus are loved choices21. For a warm, sweet touch, enjoy Sweet Potato Souffle or Roasted Delicata Squash21.

A good grain side is always a smart pick. Try Wild Rice Pilaf or Seasoned Quinoa for a full and tasty meal21. These dishes complement the hens well. Top your hens with fresh herbs to make the meal even better21.

For great side dishes, think of baby potatoes or sautΓ©ed mushrooms22. Seasoned with herbs, they’ll impress your guests. Try a sweet dish like sweet potato casserole22. For something special, make caramelized Brussels sprouts22. Cooked in the oven, these sides turn out fantastic22.

As with chicken, Roasted Cornish hens will go with just about any sides you’re craving. I served mine with some creamy mashed potatoes, but give these ideas a try! I usually make the basic recipe and bake with sliced potatoes, onions and carrots in the pan. This makes a delicious complete one dish meal. You can also try other vegetables like different kinds of squash.

Grilling Cornish game hens is easy :

Especially when serving fresh veggies23. You can have some dishes ready without cooking, great for heat waves23. Smoking pairs well with certain sides, like deviled eggs23. Pellet smokers offer a range of recipes23.

There’s also mixed greens and garlic bread for a lovely meal23. For special times, holiday dishes bring something extra23. A good wine with these, like Chardonnay, makes everything better23. With one Cornish hen each, a side of veggies or grains completes your plate21.

Category Side Dish Ideas
Salads Fall Kale Salad, Wild Rice Salad, Quinoa Butternut Squash Salad, Shredded Brussels Sprout Salad, Apple Salad, Ina Garten’s Butternut Squash Salad, Authentic Caesar Salad, Columbia Restaurant Salad
Vegetables Baked Asparagus, Roasted Whole Carrots, Sweet Potato Souffle, Roasted Delicata Squash, Layered Potato Casserole, Wild Mushroom Stuffing, Sweet Potato Mash Recipe, Garlic Rosemary Mashed Potatoes, Roasted Root Vegetables, Honey Glazed Carrots, Grilled Vegetable Medley, Caramelized Brussels Sprouts
Grains & Starches Wild Rice Pilaf, Seasoned Quinoa, Wild Rice Dressing (or Stuffing), Bulgur Wheat Pilaf, Vegan Stuffed Acorn Squash, Baby Potatoes, Garlic Mashed Potatoes, Herbed Couscous, Sweet Potato Casserole

With many side dish options available, you can make a feast with Cornish hens.

Leftover Ideas and Storage Tips

Got some extra Cornish hens from dinner? No worries! You can easily save them for later without losing flavor. Learn how to store and reheat them, keeping their taste and texture24.

Refrigerating Leftover Cornish Hens

Keep your Cornish hens tasty by storing them in the fridge. Use an airtight container. They’ll stay great for up to 4 days. Just be sure to let them cool down before putting them away to avoid getting wet and maybe growing bacteria24.

Freezing Cooked Cornish Hens

Freezing is perfect for keeping your hens longer. Wrap them well in plastic or foil, then in a freezer bag or container. Don’t forget to label the package. They can last in the freezer for up to 3 months, ready for a later24.

Reheating Instructions

Ready to enjoy your leftovers again? There are a few ways to reheat. The microwave is easy, but warm them up gradually to avoid drying. Or, use a pan to warm them with drippings for extra juicy goodness. Remember, leftovers should be eaten within three days and always make sure they’re heated to at least 165Β°F25.

By following these simple steps, you can keep your Cornish hens delicious for another meal. Get creative with how you serve them. You can add the meat to salads, soups, or sandwiches. Or mix it into pasta or rice for something new. The options are limitless!

Nutritional Information for Cornish Hens

Cornish hens are quite nutritious. A 140g serving has 32g of protein26. They also provide vitamins like A and C, and minerals such as iron and potassium26.

One Cornish hen, with butter and spices, has about 1006 calories. It also contains 1.3g carbs, 77.5g protein, and 74.5g fat27.

These hens are smaller than regular chickens. They weigh no more than two pounds28. A half hen serving has around 783 calories.

The detailed nutrition info for a half Cornish hen serving is:

Nutrient Amount % Daily Value
Calories 783 kcal 39%
Carbohydrates 10 g 3%
Protein 60 g 120%
Fat 55 g 85%
Saturated Fat 14 g 88%
Cholesterol 344 mg 115%
Sodium 796 mg 35%
Potassium 960 mg 27%
Fiber 3 g 13%
Sugar 2 g 2%
Vitamin A 966 IU 19%
Vitamin C 22 mg 27%
Calcium 85 mg 9%
Iron 4 mg 22%

Cornish hens are a great protein source but have more fat and cholesterol than some poultry. Still, they are tasty and nutritious for a balanced diet if eaten in moderation.

More Delicious Poultry Recipes to Try

Looking for a tasty, special meal? Consider Cornish hens. They are both delightful and full of flavor. However, your poultry exploration doesn’t end there. Chicken and turkey offer endless possibilities. They’re great for a simple roast or something more complex. Mix up unique seasonings and marinades for a tasty meal.

Roast Chicken Recipes

Roast chicken is a beloved classic. It’s simple to cook and always hits the spot. You can go with a basic herb rub or try something fancy with a marinade. Roast chicken works well for any event. You can make it your own by experimenting with different spices and aromatics.

Turkey Breast Recipes

If you’re after a lighter meal, turkey breast is a great choice. It’s lean and can be prepared in various ways. Roast, grill, or slow-cook it for a moist result. You can also stuff it with herbs and spices or slice it for sandwiches. With countless turkey breast recipes available, your meal options are wide open. For a cozy dinner for two or a small get-together, a Cornish hen is the perfect size29.


What is the difference between Cornish hens and regular chickens?

Cornish hens are a smaller chicken type, usually 1-2 pounds. They taste similar to regular chickens but are more tender. They cook faster because they are small.

How long does it take to roast Cornish hens?

It takes 50-60 minutes to roast Cornish hens at 425Β°F. Use a meat thermometer to check. The thickest part of the breast should reach 165Β°F before you stop cooking.

Can I customize the seasoning for this Cornish hen recipe?

Yes, you can change the seasoning as you like in this recipe. For example, you might use rosemary, oregano, or thyme. You could also try lemon slices for more taste.

What should I serve with roasted Cornish hens?

Roasted Cornish hens go well with several side dishes. Some good options include mashed potatoes, roasted vegetables, and stuffing. You could even cook potatoes, onions, and carrots with the hens for a full meal.

How should I store leftover Cornish hens?

To store cooked Cornish hens, keep them in the fridge for 3-4 days or the freezer for 1-3 months. When you’re ready to eat them again, you can microwave them or heat them in a skillet. Add some pan drippings to keep them moist.

Are Cornish hens more expensive than regular chickens?

Cornish hens are often pricier pound for pound than regular chickens or turkeys. But they’re great for smaller meals. They work well for few people or if you’d rather avoid having lots of leftovers.


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cornish hen recipe

Cornish Hen Recipe

  • Author: Mialuna
  • Total Time: 1 hour 5 minutes
  • Yield: 2 1x


  • 2 Cornish hens
  • 4 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 lemon, sliced
  • 4 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 tablespoon fresh rosemary, chopped
  • 1 tablespoon fresh thyme, chopped
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 1 cup chicken broth
  • 1/2 cup white wine


  1. Preheat your oven to 375Β°F (190Β°C).
  2. Rinse the Cornish hens under cold water and pat them dry with paper towels.
  3. Rub the hens inside and out with olive oil, ensuring they are well-coated.
  4. Season the hens generously with salt and pepper.
  5. Stuff each hen with lemon slices, minced garlic, rosemary, and thyme.
  6. Place the hens in a roasting pan. Pour chicken broth and white wine around them.
  7. Roast in the preheated oven for 45-50 minutes, basting occasionally with the pan juices, until the hens are golden brown and the internal temperature reaches 165Β°F (74Β°C).
  8. Let the hens rest for 10 minutes before carving and serving.


  • Ensure the hens are fully thawed before cooking.
  • You can substitute dried herbs if fresh ones are not available, but fresh herbs give the best flavor.
  • For extra crispiness, broil the hens for the last 5 minutes of cooking.
  • Pair with roasted vegetables or a fresh salad for a complete meal.
  • Prep Time: 15 minutes
  • Cook Time: 50 minutes


  • Serving Size: 2
  • Calories: 350
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