Nutella Pastry Puff Recipe: A Delicious and Easy Guide

Welcome to the ultimate guide on making Nutella pastry puffs! These delightful treats are not only incredibly tasty but also surprisingly easy to make. Perfect for any occasion, whether you’re hosting a party or just want to enjoy a sweet snack, Nutella pastry puffs will surely impress. In this article, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know, from ingredients and equipment to step-by-step instructions and handy tips. Let’s dive in and create some magic in the kitchen!

Table of Contents

  1. What You Need to Make Nutella Pastry Puffs
  2. Step-by-Step Guide to Making Nutella Pastry Puffs
  3. Tips and Tricks for Perfect Nutella Pastry Puffs
  4. Frequently Asked Questions about Nutella Pastry Puffs
  5. Serving and Storing Nutella Pastry Puffs
  6. Nutritional Information for Nutella Pastry Puffs
  7. Conclusion

What You Need to Make Nutella Pastry Puffs

Creating Nutella pastry puffs is a breeze when you have all the right ingredients and tools. Here’s a comprehensive list of what you’ll need to get started:


  • Puff Pastry Sheets: You can use store-bought puff pastry or make your own if you’re feeling adventurous. Puff pastry provides the flaky, buttery layers that make these treats irresistible.
  • Nutella: The star of the show! Nutella’s rich, creamy texture and chocolate-hazelnut flavor make it the perfect filling for these pastry puffs.
  • Egg: You’ll need one egg for the egg wash, which gives the pastries a beautiful golden-brown finish.
  • Optional: Powdered sugar for dusting. A light sprinkle of powdered sugar adds a touch of sweetness and a decorative finish.

Make sure to use high-quality puff pastry and Nutella for the best results. The ingredients you choose can significantly impact the final taste and texture of your pastry puffs.


  • Rolling Pin: Essential for rolling out the puff pastry to the desired thickness.
  • Baking Sheet: A regular baking sheet is ideal. Line it with parchment paper to avoid sticking and simplify cleanup.
  • Parchment Paper: This non-stick surface ensures your pastries bake evenly and don’t stick to the baking sheet.
  • Pastry Brush: Used for applying the egg wash to the pastries. This step is key for achieving a golden, glossy finish.
  • Sharp Knife or Pastry Cutter: For cutting the pastry into shapes and designs. A sharp knife ensures clean cuts and even edges.

Possessing the appropriate tools will streamline the process and enhance your enjoyment. If you’re missing any of these items, don’t fret! There are always substitutes you can employ. For instance, if a rolling pin is unavailable, a clean wine bottle makes a great alternative. Similarly, if you don’t have a pastry brush, a clean paper towel will suffice.

Step-by-Step Guide to Making Nutella Pastry Puffs

Now that we have everything we need, let’s walk through the process of making Nutella pastry puffs. Follow these steps for a delicious outcome!

Preparing the Puff Pastry

First things first, we need to prepare the puff pastry. Follow these steps to ensure your pastry is ready for baking:

  1. Thawing the Pastry: If you’re using store-bought puff pastry, follow the package instructions for thawing. Typically, this involves letting it sit at room temperature for about 20-30 minutes.
  2. Rolling Out the Pastry: Lightly flour your work surface and rolling pin. Roll out the thawed puff pastry to your desired thickness, typically about 1/8 inch. This ensures even baking and a perfect flaky texture.
  3. Cutting the Pastry: Decide on the shape of your pastry puffs. Squares and triangles are classic choices, but you can get creative with other shapes. Use a sharp knife or pastry cutter to ensure clean, precise cuts.

Adding the Nutella

Next, it’s time to add the star ingredient: Nutella. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Spreading the Nutella: Use a spoon or spatula to spread a generous layer of Nutella on each piece of puff pastry. Make sure to leave a small border around the edges to prevent the Nutella from oozing out during baking.
  2. Optional Add-Ins: If you’re feeling adventurous, you can add other fillings along with the Nutella. Chopped nuts, fresh fruit slices, or a sprinkle of cinnamon can add a delightful twist.

Shaping and Cutting the Pastry

After spreading the Nutella, it’s time to shape and seal your pastry puffs:

  1. Folding the Pastry: Fold the puff pastry over the Nutella filling, pressing the edges together to seal. For a more decorative touch, you can use a fork to crimp the edges.
  2. Creating Designs: You can cut slits or use a knife to create patterns on the top of the pastry. This not only looks appealing but also helps with even baking.

Baking the Pastry Puffs

Finally, it’s time to bake your creations. Follow these steps for perfectly baked Nutella pastry puffs:

  1. Preheating the Oven: Preheat your oven to 375Β°F (190Β°C). This ensures that the pastries bake evenly and develop a golden crust.
  2. Preparing the Baking Sheet: Line a baking sheet with parchment paper to prevent sticking and make cleanup easier.
  3. Applying the Egg Wash: Beat one egg in a small bowl and use a pastry brush to apply the egg wash to the tops of the pastries. This will give them a beautiful golden-brown finish.
  4. Baking the Pastries: Place the pastries on the prepared baking sheet, making sure they are evenly spaced. Bake for 15-20 minutes or until the pastries are puffed and golden brown. Keep an eye on them to prevent over-baking.

Tips and Tricks for Perfect Nutella Pastry Puffs

Even the simplest recipes can benefit from a few expert tips. Here are some tricks to help you achieve perfect Nutella pastry puffs every time.

Getting the Flakiest Pastry

The hallmark of a great puff pastry is its flaky, buttery layers. Here’s how to achieve that perfect texture:

  1. Keep the Dough Cold: The key to flaky pastry is keeping the dough cold. Cold butter creates steam during baking, which forms those beautiful layers. If the dough starts to warm up while you’re working, pop it back in the fridge for a few minutes.
  2. Proper Rolling Technique: When rolling out the pastry, use even pressure and roll in one direction to maintain the layers. Avoid overworking the dough, as this can cause the butter to melt and the pastry to become tough.
  3. Chill Before Baking: Once you’ve assembled your pastry puffs, chill them in the fridge for about 15 minutes before baking. This helps the butter firm up, ensuring maximum flakiness.

Avoiding Common Mistakes

Even skilled bakers sometimes face challenges with puff pastry. Below are a few typical problems and tips on how to sidestep them:

  1. Overfilling the Pastry: It’s tempting to add lots of Nutella, but overfilling can cause leaks. Stick to a thin, even layer to ensure the filling stays inside.
  2. Sealing the Edges: Make sure to seal the edges well to prevent the filling from oozing out. Press the edges firmly with your fingers or use a fork to crimp them.
  3. Baking Temperature: Bake at the right temperatureβ€”too low, and the pastry won’t puff up properly; too high, and it can burn. 375Β°F (190Β°C) is ideal for puff pastry.

Creative Variations

Want to mix things up? Here are some ideas for adding a unique twist to your Nutella pastry puffs:

  1. Adding Fruits or Nuts: Chopped nuts, like hazelnuts or almonds, pair beautifully with Nutella. You can also add slices of banana or strawberries for a fruity twist.
  2. Different Spreads: While Nutella is a classic choice, you can experiment with other spreads like almond butter, peanut butter, or even a fruit jam.
  3. Shape and Design: Don’t be afraid to get creative with shapes and designs. Try making pinwheels, twists, or even Nutella-filled croissants.

Frequently Asked Questions about Nutella Pastry Puffs

Here are some common questions about Nutella pastry puffs to help you troubleshoot and perfect your baking.

What is the secret to puff pastry?

The secret to perfect puff pastry lies in the technique and quality of ingredients. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Cold Ingredients: Use cold butter and cold water to keep the dough chilled. This prevents the butter from melting too early and ensures the pastry will puff up nicely.
  • Proper Folding: Puff pastry is made by folding and rolling the dough multiple times. This creates thin layers of butter and dough that puff up during baking. Patience and precision during this process are key.
  • Quality Butter: High-fat, high-quality butter yields the best results. It melts evenly and creates steam, which helps the pastry layers to separate and rise.

What’s the difference between puff pastry and pastry dough?

While puff pastry and pastry dough might seem similar, they have distinct differences:

  • Puff Pastry: This is a laminated dough, meaning it’s made by layering butter between sheets of dough and repeatedly folding and rolling. The result is a light, flaky texture with multiple layers.
  • Pastry Dough: Regular pastry dough, such as pie crust, is not laminated. It typically involves cutting butter into flour to create a crumbly texture. It’s less flaky and more crumbly compared to puff pastry.

What makes puff pastry puffy?

The puffiness of puff pastry comes from the steam created by the butter layers during baking. Here’s how it works:

  • Butter Layers: As the pastry bakes, the butter in the layers melts and creates steam.
  • Steam and Layers: The steam expands between the layers of dough, causing them to separate and puff up. This is why it’s crucial to keep the dough cold and roll it properly.
  • Even Baking: Properly preheating the oven and baking at the right temperature (375Β°F or 190Β°C) ensures that the pastry puffs up uniformly and achieves a golden-brown finish.

Can you put Nutella in the oven?

Yes, you can safely bake Nutella. Here are some tips for doing it right:

  • Nutella as Filling: When using Nutella as a filling, it’s important to spread it evenly and not overfill the pastry to avoid leaks.
  • Baking Temperature: Nutella can withstand baking temperatures and will become warm and gooey inside the pastry. Just ensure the oven is set to the appropriate temperature for puff pastry.
  • Avoid Burning: Keep an eye on your pastries while they bake to ensure the Nutella doesn’t burn. The pastry should be golden-brown, and the Nutella should be melted but not scorched.

Serving and Storing Nutella Pastry Puffs

Once your Nutella pastry puffs are baked to perfection, it’s time to enjoy them! In this section, we’ll cover the best ways to serve and store your pastries to ensure they stay fresh and delicious. Whether you’re serving them right out of the oven or saving some for later, these tips will help you get the most out of your tasty treats.

Best Ways to Serve

Presentation and serving tips can make your Nutella pastry puffs even more enjoyable. Here’s how to serve them perfectly:

  1. Serve Warm: Nutella pastry puffs are best enjoyed warm, straight out of the oven. The Nutella will be gooey, and the pastry will be flaky and tender.
  2. Powdered Sugar Dusting: For a finishing touch, dust the tops with powdered sugar. This adds a bit of sweetness and makes the pastries look elegant and appetizing.
  3. Accompaniments: Serve with a cup of coffee, tea, or a glass of milk. For a more indulgent treat, add a scoop of vanilla ice cream or a dollop of whipped cream on the side.
  4. Plating: Arrange the pastries on a nice serving plate or tray. If you’re hosting, adding some fresh fruit or mint leaves can improve the presentation.

How to Store and Reheat

To keep your Nutella pastry puffs fresh and delicious, follow these storage and reheating tips:

  1. Storing at Room Temperature: Store leftover pastries in an airtight container at room temperature for up to two days. This keeps them fresh without drying out.
  2. Refrigerating: If you need to store them longer, place the pastries in the refrigerator. They can last up to a week, but the texture may not be as flaky.
  3. Freezing: For longer storage, you can freeze the baked pastries. Individually wrap them in plastic wrap and store them in a freezer-safe bag or container. They can be kept frozen for up to two months.
  4. Reheating: To reheat, preheat your oven to 350Β°F (175Β°C). Place the pastries on a baking sheet and heat for about 5-7 minutes, or until they are warmed through and crisp again. Avoid using a microwave, as it can make the pastry soggy.

Nutritional Information for Nutella Pastry Puffs

Understanding the nutritional content of your treats can help you enjoy them mindfully. In this section, we’ll provide a breakdown of the nutritional information for Nutella pastry puffs and offer some tips for making healthier versions of these delicious pastries.

Calorie Count and Macronutrients

Each Nutella pastry puff contains approximately:

  • Calories: 250
  • Total Fat: 15g
  • Saturated Fat: 8g
  • Cholesterol: 20mg
  • Sodium: 150mg
  • Total Carbohydrates: 25g
  • Dietary Fiber: 1g
  • Sugars: 10g
  • Protein: 4g

These values can vary depending on the size of your pastries and the amount of Nutella you use. For a more precise count, you can use a nutrition calculator with your specific ingredients and quantities.

Healthier Alternatives

If you’re looking to enjoy Nutella pastry puffs with fewer calories or less fat, consider these healthier alternatives:

  1. Reduced-Fat Puff Pastry: Use a reduced-fat or whole-wheat puff pastry. These options can lower the calorie and fat content without sacrificing too much of the flaky texture.
  2. Less Nutella: Spread a thinner layer of Nutella to reduce the sugar and fat content. You can also mix Nutella with mashed bananas or a low-sugar fruit spread for added flavor without the extra calories.
  3. Alternative Spreads: Try using natural nut butters (like almond or peanut butter) or a lower-calorie chocolate spread. These can provide similar flavors with different nutritional profiles.
  4. Adding Fiber: Incorporate fiber-rich ingredients like chia seeds or ground flaxseed into the Nutella layer. This can help improve the nutritional value of your pastry puffs.

Dietary Considerations

For those with dietary restrictions, here are a few modifications:

  1. Gluten-Free: Use gluten-free puff pastry if you are gluten intolerant or have celiac disease. There are several brands available that offer gluten-free alternatives.
  2. Dairy-Free: Opt for dairy-free puff pastry and use a chocolate hazelnut spread that is free from dairy. This can accommodate those who are lactose intolerant or following a vegan diet.
  3. Low-Sugar: For a lower sugar option, use a sugar-free chocolate spread. Be sure to check labels for added sugars and choose products with natural sweeteners if possible.


Creating Nutella pastry puffs at home is a delightful and rewarding experience. These treats are perfect for any occasion, from casual family gatherings to elegant dinner parties. With just a few simple ingredients and some basic kitchen tools, you can whip up a batch of these delicious pastries in no time.


  • Ingredients and Equipment: Gather high-quality puff pastry, Nutella, and an egg for the egg wash. Have your rolling pin, baking sheet, parchment paper, pastry brush, and a sharp knife or pastry cutter ready.
  • Step-by-Step Guide: Thaw and roll out the puff pastry, spread Nutella, shape and cut the pastries, and bake to golden perfection. Remember to keep the dough cold and seal the edges well to achieve the best results.
  • Tips and Tricks: Ensure flakiness by keeping the dough cold, avoid overfilling, and experiment with creative variations. Chill the pastries before baking for extra flakiness.
  • FAQs: Understand the secrets to puff pastry, the differences between puff pastry and pastry dough, and safe baking practices with Nutella.
  • Serving and Storing: Serve your pastries warm, dusted with powdered sugar, and store them properly to maintain freshness. Reheat in the oven to retain crispiness.
  • Nutritional Information: Be mindful of the calorie count and discover healthier alternatives, like reduced-fat puff pastry or mixing Nutella with lower-calorie spreads.

We hope you enjoy making and savoring these Nutella pastry puffs. They’re a wonderful treat that’s sure to impress your family and friends. Don’t forget to share your baking adventures with us and leave your comments and feedback below. Happy baking!

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Nutella pastry puff recipe

Nutella Pastry Puffs

  • Author: Mialuna
  • Total Time: 35 minutes
  • Yield: 12 pastries 1x
  • Diet: Vegetarian


πŸ₯§πŸŽ‰ Impress your guests with homemade Nutella Pastry Puffs! Quick, easy, and oh-so-delicious. #Yummy #HomemadeTreats #BakingFun


  • 1 package puff pastry sheets (thawed)
  • 1 cup Nutella
  • 1 egg (beaten for egg wash)
  • Optional: powdered sugar for dusting


  1. Preheat the Oven: Preheat your oven to 375Β°F (190Β°C) and line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
  2. Prepare the Puff Pastry: On a lightly floured surface, roll out the thawed puff pastry to about 1/8 inch thickness. Cut into desired shapes (squares, triangles, etc.).
  3. Add Nutella: Spread a thin, even layer of Nutella on each piece of puff pastry, leaving a small border around the edges.
  4. Shape and Seal: Fold the pastry over the Nutella filling, pressing the edges together to seal. Use a fork to crimp the edges for a decorative touch.
  5. Egg Wash: Brush the tops of the pastries with the beaten egg to achieve a golden-brown finish.
  6. Bake: Place the pastries on the prepared baking sheet and bake for 15-20 minutes, or until puffed and golden brown.
  7. Cool and Serve: Allow the pastries to cool slightly before serving. Dust with powdered sugar if desired.


  • Ensure the dough remains cold while working with it to achieve the flakiest layers.
  • Avoid overfilling with Nutella to prevent leaks during baking.
  • Get creative with shapes and additional fillings like nuts or fruit slices.
  • Prep Time: 15 minutes
  • Cook Time: 20 minutes
  • Category: Dessert
  • Method: Baking
  • Cuisine: European


  • Calories: 250
  • Sugar: 10g
  • Sodium: 150mg
  • Fat: 15g
  • Saturated Fat: 8g
  • Carbohydrates: 25g
  • Fiber: 1g
  • Protein: 4g
  • Cholesterol: 20mg

Keywords: Nutella puff pastry recipe, Nutella-filled pastry puffs, Nutella pastry treats

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