San Giorgio Lasagna Recipe: Easy Italian Classic

Travel back to joyful childhood with the classic San Giorgio Lasagna Recipe. You’ll smell the rich tomato sauce and cheese cooking, an aroma that makes mouths water. This recipe fills each layer with creamy cheeses and flavorful meat, bringing comfort and joy with each serving.

Creating the perfect lasagna means mastering a few steps. First, you’ll need to bake it at 375°F to get the golden crust and layers that will melt in your mouth. Follow along as we share the secrets to making this classic Italian dish unforgettable.

Key Takeaways

  • Prep Time: 30 minutes, Cook Time: 46 minutes, Total Time: 1 hour 15 minutes
  • Servings: 8 people
  • Calories: 1000 kcal per serving
  • Ingredients include 12 San Giorgio Lasagna noodles, 1 pound ground beef, 32 ounces Ricotta Cheese, and more
  • Important layering technique for assembling lasagna
  • Cooling period of approximately 15 minutes after baking
  • Options for gluten-free and vegetarian modifications

Introduction to San Giorgio Lasagna

Do you find comfort in a warm slice of lasagna? Like many, I cherish the recipe. It’s a combination of authentic ingredients and old methods.

The Appeal of Traditional Lasagna

Traditional lasagna from Italy is rich, layered, and comforting. With every bite, you taste a mix of flavors that makes any day better. Whether it’s the zesty tomato sauce or the chewy noodles, it’s perfect for bringing people together.

Why San Giorgio Lasagna Stands Out

San Giorgio Lasagna highlights true Italian flavors. It’s all about homemade quality. This dish is both nostalgic and delightful, reflecting authentic cooking traditions.

The ingredients are simple to find, and making it is easy. Yet, it feels like a true work of art when it’s done.

Everything in this lasagna is made to be unforgettable. The meat sauce, cheese, and noodles from San Giorgio are top-quality. This makes San Giorgio Lasagna a standout in the realm of original recipes.

Ingredients Needed for San Giorgio Lasagna

Making the perfect lasagna is all about great ingredients and some love. San Giorgio Lasagna is an Italian favorite. It brings families closer, layer by delicious layer. With ricotta cheese and hearty meat sauce, it’s a meal you won’t forget.

Key Components

The heart of every great lasagna is choosing the best ingredients. Here’s what you need to make San Giorgio Lasagna:

  • 12 San Giorgio Lasagna noodles
  • 1 lb ground beef
  • 1 medium onion, finely chopped
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 can (28 oz) crushed tomatoes
  • 2 tablespoons tomato paste
  • 1 teaspoon sugar
  • 1 teaspoon dried Italian herbs
  • 32 ounces ricotta cheese
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 tablespoon parsley
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • ¼ teaspoon black pepper
  • 3 cups shredded mozzarella cheese
  • ½ cup grated Parmesan cheese
  • 26 ounces pasta sauce (preferably marinara)

These pasta ingredients blend perfectly, ensuring a flavorful lasagna every time.

Optional Additions

Want to add something special to your lasagna? Here are some ideas:

  1. Italian sausage: Adds a spicy kick to the meat layer.
  2. Vegetables: Sautéed spinach, zucchini, or mushrooms boost flavor and nutrition.
  3. Bechamel Sauce: Gives your dish a creamy touch if added between layers.

These additions help you make the lasagna your own. They cater to different tastes and dietary needs, creating a unique dish.

Here’s a quick look at the main and optional components:

Component Essential Ingredients Optional Additions
Noodles San Giorgio Lasagna noodles Gluten-free noodles
Meat Ground beef Italian sausage
Sauce Crushed tomatoes, tomato paste, pasta sauce Bechamel sauce
Cheese Ricotta, mozzarella, Parmesan Vegan cheese

Choosing the Best Ingredients for Authentic Flavors

The key to a great lasagna is using the best ingredients. It all starts with rich tomatoes, fresh herbs, and top-grade cheeses. San Giorgio Lasagna noodles are perfect, offering texture and strength for all layers.

Quality pasta sauce is crucial too. I prefer sauces with ripe tomatoes, garlic, and Italian herbs. Adding fresh basil, oregano, and thyme to the sauce gives it an extra aromatic kick. I also recommend using flavorful Italian sausage and garlic salt.

To further illustrate the importance of ingredient selection, let’s look at some notable recipes from expert cooks and competition winners:

Grand Prize Winner Kristie from Baltimore, MD impressed judges with jumbo pasta shells stuffed with creamy ricotta, wrapped in salty prosciutto, and smothered in a decadent brie sauce during San Giorgio’s 100th Anniversary. Her win underlines the significance of using premium ingredients.

Making a winning lasagna at home is achievable by choosing top-quality items. San Giorgio Lasagna noodles, rich pasta sauce, and premium cheeses are essentials. These elevate your dish’s flavor and overall indulgence.

A comprehensive guide, this table lists various lasagna recipes and their core ingredients.

Recipe Main Ingredients Additional Notes
Classic Lasagna Ground beef, ricotta, mozzarella, marinara sauce Bake at 375°F for bubbly perfection
Pumpkin and Gorgonzola Bechamel 1 1/3 pounds pumpkin, Gorgonzola cheese Rich and creamy flavor
Mushroom Ragù and Scamorza 14 ounces mixed mushrooms, scamorza cheese Bakes at 350°F for 30 minutes
Radicchio, Chestnuts, and Speck 1 1/3 pounds chestnuts, radicchio, speck Bakes at 425°F for 30 minutes

Step-by-Step Instructions for Preparing San Giorgio Lasagna

An easy lasagna recipe like San Giorgio’s requires meticulous steps to ensure success, from pasta preparation to the final assembly. Here’s a guided approach to how to make lasagna that stands out.

Preparing the Pasta

Start by cooking the lasagna noodles until al dente, following the package instructions. Lay the noodles on a flat surface after cooking to stop them from sticking. This helps ensure your lasagna has perfectly layered pasta.

Cooking the Meat Sauce

Brown one pound of ground beef and one pound of Italian sausage with a diced onion and four minced garlic cloves in a large skillet. Once cooked, remove any excess fat and add crushed tomatoes, tomato paste, and sauce.

Include half a cup of water, then season with sugar, basil, fennel, Italian seasoning, salt, pepper, and fresh parsley. Let it simmer for 90 minutes. Cooking the meat sauce slowly really enhances an easy lasagna recipe.

Making the Cheese Mixture

In a bowl, mix 32 ounces of ricotta, one egg, salt, and 3/4 cup of grated Parmesan. This cheese mix binds the lasagna layers together, adding a creamy texture.

Follow these steps on preparing pasta, making the sauce, and mixing the cheese. Your San Giorgio Lasagna will turn out perfectly. Now you’re ready to make an impressive lasagna!

Assembling the San Giorgio Lasagna

Making a San Giorgio Lasagna is like painting a masterpiece. Each layer helps mix flavors and textures. We will guide you through the steps to make sure every bite is perfect.

Layering Technique

Start with a meat sauce layer at the bottom to keep the pasta from sticking. It also adds a delicious taste. Then, lay down lasagna noodles, slightly overlapping. Next, add a layer of ricotta cheese mixed with eggs and seasonings. Top that with mozzarella for a gooey finish.

Repeat the layers of noodles, sauce, and cheeses until everything is used. Each layer should be thin but full of flavor. The top cheese layer should stand out to give a golden crust after baking.

Final Touches

After layering, add the final meat sauce evenly. Then, sprinkle on more mozzarella and Parmesan for extra cheesy goodness.

Before it goes in the oven, admire your work. Here’s a recap of the ingredients and steps:

Ingredient Quantity
Lasagna Noodles 16 ounces
Ground Beef 1 pound
Ricotta Cheese 32 ounces (4 cups)
Shredded Mozzarella Cheese 8 ounces (2 cups)
Grated Parmesan Cheese 1/4 cup
Pasta Sauce 2 cups
Fresh Parsley 2 tbsp (chopped)
Fresh Basil 2 tbsp (chopped)
Ground Onion 2 tbsp
Ground Garlic 2 tbsp
Beef Broth Seasoning 1 tbsp

Finish by covering the dish with foil. Bake at 350°F for 45-60 minutes. Take off the foil for the last 10 minutes, letting the top turn golden and bubbly. Cool for 10 minutes before digging in to let the flavors merge perfectly.

Tips for Achieving the Perfect Golden Crust

Making the perfect lasagna is more than just having the best ingredients. It’s also about getting that golden crust just right. Follow these tips to bake lasagna perfectly, getting a crunchy top while keeping the inside soft.

Roast vegetables for about 10 minutes in a preheated oven until soft and golden.

First, heat your oven to 375°F (190°C). It’s the perfect heat for even baking without burning the edges. Cover your lasagna with foil for the first part of baking. This steams the inside, keeping it moist.

After 25 minutes, take off the foil and bake for 25 minutes more. Removing the foil is key for the perfect golden crust. The top cheese layer will turn golden brown, while the inside stays delicious.

  1. Roasting your veggies before adding them makes a huge flavor difference. It brings out their sweetness and makes your lasagna truly special. Roast red peppers, carrots, zucchini, and fennel until they’re golden and soft.
  2. Make a bechamel sauce that’s as thick as cream. This helps your lasagna keep its shape and adds a creamy texture that everyone loves.

If you love taking your time, think about layers when assembling your lasagna. Here’s how:

Layer Ingredients
1 Pasta sheets (7″ x 5″)
2 Roasted vegetables
3 Bechamel sauce
4 Shredded mozzarella and Parmesan
5 Repeat layers, ending with cheese on top

Don’t forget to let your lasagna sit for 2 to 12 hours before baking. Waiting helps the flavors combine for a tastier meal. These tips are not just for a golden crust, but for a truly amazing dish.

The Importance of Letting the Lasagna Rest Before Serving

Letting lasagna rest after it bakes is crucial. This step stabilizes everything. It helps the meal keep its shape and blend flavors well.

Resting lasagna is like letting a good steak sit before cutting. It keeps everything together and not too runny. The cheese gets a bit firmer and melds with the pasta, making each bite better.

Resting also makes it easier to slice and serve. You get pretty, neat pieces that don’t fall apart. It’s key, especially for special types like those for vegetarians or gluten-free folks. It ensures delicious results every time.

So, don’t forget the rest when you make San Giorgio Lasagna. It’s as important as using good ingredients and baking just right. This small wait will turn your lasagna into a dish everyone will love. Happy cooking and enjoy sharing your serving lasagna!

Modifications for Dietary Preferences

The San Giorgio Lasagna recipe is great because you can adapt it to suit different diets. Whether you’re making a vegetarian or a gluten-free lasagna, there are lots of ways to make the dish tasty for all.

Vegetarian Options

For a vegetarian lasagna, swap the meat with lots of veggies or plant substitutes. Eggplant, zucchini, mushrooms, and spinach are great choices. You can also add lentils for extra heartiness.

  1. Replace ground meat with a mix of eggplant, zucchini, and mushrooms.
  2. Use plant-based ricotta or swap cottage cheese for ricotta.
  3. Add fresh herbs like oregano, thyme, and parsley for more flavor.

Gluten-Free Alternatives

For a gluten-free lasagna, easy changes can make it safe to eat. Use gluten-free noodles, which are easy to find. Make sure all your other ingredients, like sauces and cheeses, are gluten-free too.

  1. Use gluten-free lasagna noodles and adjust the cooking time if using an Instant Pot.
  2. Choose certified gluten-free brands for all your ingredients.
  3. Add cream cheese for an even richer dish if you’d like.

Changing a lasagna recipe to fit diets is straightforward. These changes let everyone enjoy a warm and tasty meal. The trick is to keep a good balance and to choose the right ingredients.

Recommended Side Dishes for a Balanced Meal

Pairing a delicious San Giorgio Lasagna with the right sides can make your meal amazing. Here’s a list of side dishes that beautifully complement lasagna’s rich flavors:

  • Refreshing Green Salads: A crisp salad with a tangy vinaigrette is a great match for hearty lasagna. Use mixed greens, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, and red onions for a fresh start.
  • Warm Garlic Bread: Warm garlic bread beside lasagna is unbeatable. Its outer crunch and inside butter mix perfectly with the main dish.
  • Antipasto Platter: This colorful platter with meats, cheeses, olives, and vegetables adds sophistication to your meal.
  • Roasted Seasonal Vegetables: Roasting zucchini, bell peppers, and asparagus highlights their sweetness. They also offer a great contrast in texture to lasagna.
  • Classic Caprese Salad: Caprese salad with mozzarella, tomatoes, basil, and balsamic reduction refreshes your mouth between bites of lasagna.
  • Steamed Vegetables: Steamed broccoli or carrots are healthy. They also bring color to your plate, making the meal look and taste good.

Adding these side dishes to your lasagna meal plan ensures it’s both nutritious and satisfying. Whether you prefer a salad, garlic bread, or veggies, your meal will be complete and enjoyable.

How to Store Leftover Lasagna

leftover lasagna tips

Storing lasagna correctly keeps it safe and tasty, whether for a few days or months. I’ll share tips for both short and long-term storage.

Short-Term Storage

After a meal of San Giorgio Lasagna, it’s key to store the extras soon. Follow these steps for short-term storage:

  • Let the lasagna cool to room temperature.
  • Wrap it in foil, or use airtight containers for slices.
  • Store it in the fridge for up to 4 days.
  • When reheating, cover with foil to keep it moist.

Long-Term Storage Tips

Freezing is best if you’re storing lasagna for longer. Try these long-term storage steps:

  1. Let the lasagna cool entirely.
  2. Cut it into single portions if you like.
  3. Wrap each slice well in plastic wrap or foil.
  4. Then, put them in freezer-safe bags or containers.
  5. Label each with the date.
  6. To eat, thaw in the fridge overnight.
  7. Bake at 375 degrees until it’s 165 degrees inside.

With these tips, your San Giorgio Lasagna will taste great later. Whether in a few days or after a long time in the freezer, it’ll be delicious.

Storage Method Duration Temperature
Refrigerator Up to 4 days 40°F or below
Freezer Up to 2 months 0°F or below

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Making Lasagna

Creating a delicious lasagna can be a joy but many find themselves making mistakes. Let’s go over frequent errors to make top-notch San Giorgio Lasagna.

First, stacking up too many layers can make your lasagna fall apart. Make sure to stack pasta, sauce, and filling evenly.

Don’t leave your lasagna in the oven for too short a time. It can end up rough and not tasty. Follow the cooking instructions closely for a perfect outcome.

Let your lasagna rest after baking. Skipping this step can lead to messy slices. Resting also melds the flavors together nicely.

Don’t forget the seasoning and make sure to spread out the ingredients. Each layer should have the right taste. All the pieces should be evenly placed.

Let’s compare key ingredients in Lasagne alla Bolognese and San Giorgio Lasagna. This highlights the need for balanced flavors:

Element Lasagne alla Bolognese San Giorgio Lasagna
Meat 500g chuck steak, 50g chicken livers 1 lb ground beef
Sauce 400ml passata, 100ml red wine 3 cups spaghetti sauce
Cooking Time 2 hours simmering, 30 minutes more 55 minutes
Cheese 100g grated Parmesan 2 cups shredded mozzarella, 1 cup grated Parmesan, 2 cups ricotta

Knowing and avoiding these mistakes when cooking lasagna will lead to a successful meal. Both you and your guests will enjoy it more.

San Giorgio Lasagna Recipe

Crafting the perfect San Giorgio Lasagna recipe is like an art. You mix traditional flavors with simple lasagna steps. This recipe is super popular. It’s been discussed in Candy Kingdom over 5,155 times. People love to swap tips on making this classic dish.

  • 3 cups spaghetti sauce
  • 1 package (12 oz.) San Giorgio Mafalda
  • 3 ¾ cups (2 lbs.) ricotta cheese
  • 1 egg
  • 1 Tbsp. oregano flakes
  • ¼ tsp. Italian seasoning
  • ½ tsp. salt
  • ½ tsp. ground black pepper
  • 2 cups shredded mozzarella cheese

Here’s how to create your masterful San Giorgio Lasagna:

  1. Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C).
  2. Cook the San Giorgio Mafalda pasta how the package says. Drain it and set it aside.
  3. Start a big skillet on medium heat. Cook 1 pound of ground beef until brown. Add an onion and garlic to the skillet. Cook until soft.
  4. Put 26 ounces of pasta sauce in with the meat. Let it simmer for 10 minutes.
  5. Mix ricotta cheese, eggs, parsley, pepper, and salt in a large bowl.
  6. Put a little meat sauce at the bottom of a 9×13 inch baking dish.
  7. Start layering: pasta, ricotta mix, meat sauce, mozzarella. Do this again, ending with mozzarella and Parmesan cheese.
  8. Cover your lasagna with foil. Bake for 30 minutes. Take the foil off and bake some more, until it’s bubbling and hot.
  9. Wait about 20 minutes before serving. This helps the layers hold together well.

This San Giorgio Lasagna recipe serves 8-10. It’s great for big family meals or parties. You can use San Giorgio Mafalda or regular noodles. The recipe ensures a tasty meal every time. You can make it up to 5 days ahead and store in the fridge for a busy week.

Ingredient Quantity
San Giorgio Lasagna Noodles 12 pieces
Ground Beef 1 pound
Medium Onion 1
Garlic Cloves 2
Ricotta Cheese 32 ounces
Eggs 2 large
Parsley 1 tablespoon
Salt 1/2 teaspoon
Ground Black Pepper 1/4 teaspoon
Shredded Mozzarella Cheese 3 cups
Grated Parmesan Cheese 1/2 cup
Pasta Sauce 26 ounces

This San Giorgio Lasagna recipe is special. It’s not just about taste. The steps are easy to follow. Try it at home and enjoy the flavors of Italy!

Benefits of Making Lasagna at Home vs. Eating Out

Making lasagna at home offers many great benefits. These advantages include personalization, high quality, and saving money. Eating in a restaurant can’t match this.

First, cooking lasagna at home lets you pick exactly what you want in it. You may love a meaty sauce or one packed with veggies. You get to choose. A recipe by Dr. Preeya Alexander uses lamb and a tasty tomato sauce. It got lots of love from people online.

Also, making lasagna at home means you choose each ingredient carefully. You can pick the freshest veggies and top-notch meat. A lasagna recipe on Slow Cooker Australia’s page got super popular. People liked that they could make it without an oven.

Making your own lasagna saves you money too. Buying in bulk and cooking at home costs less than dining out, especially with a family. You also get the joy of eating together with your loved ones.

Homemade lasagna is also great for different diets. You can make a lasagna that’s vegan or gluten-free, so everyone can share and enjoy it. It can be hard to find places that offer these options.

So, homemade lasagna is about making it your own, using the best ingredients, saving money, and fitting everyone’s diet. It’s more satisfying and comforting than going to a restaurant.


San Giorgio Lasagna brings a delicious taste of Italy to your table. Since 1877, Giovanni Di Martino founded San Giorgio Pasta with a love for quality. This recipe is perfect for both new and experienced chefs, blending tradition with new ideas.

There are many ways to enjoy this lasagna. You can make it with classic noodles or try a vegetarian version with zucchinis and bell peppers. The seafood option, which uses mixed seafood, is a great alternative for those who love the ocean’s flavors.

Let’s not forget about its nutrition. A serving of San Giorgio Lasagna has about 240-480 calories. It contains 10-20 grams of carbs and 0.1-1 grams of protein, making it a balanced meal.

Homemade pasta delights like lasagna shine in the best cookware. The CAROTE Pots and Pans Set makes cooking easier with its unique design. It has more space and is eco-friendly with its white granite material.

To finish, San Giorgio Lasagna is a favorite for good reason. It combines rich flavors with high-quality ingredients. This dish is perfect for sharing with loved ones, making every meal a special occasion.

San Giorgio Lasagna Recipe: Easy Italian Classic.

This San Giorgio Lasagna recipe brings Italian delights to your table. It’s a delicious and classic dish perfect for any event. With layers of rich flavors, it stands out as a homemade favorite.

Begin with the ingredients: San Giorgio Lasagna Noodles, ground beef, and a chopped onion. You’ll need garlic, tomato sauce, ricotta, egg, mozzarella, Parmesan, basil, and oregano too. These create the dish’s heartwarming taste.

Cook the beef and onion until brown. Then, simmer them with garlic and tomato sauce for 20 minutes. Also, boil the noodles, following the package’s al dente instructions. Preheat your oven to 375°F (190°C).

Next, layer the lasagna by spreading meat sauce. Then add noodles, ricotta mixture, and cheeses. Do this 3-4 times. Bake covered for 25 minutes, then uncovered for 25 more. Let it sit a bit before cutting.

This recipe makes Italian cuisine and homemade love shine. Enjoy making and sharing this lasagna. It promises to bring joy and great tastes to your meal times.


What is the San Giorgio Lasagna recipe?

The San Giorgio Lasagna recipe is a classic Italian favorite. It features layers of pasta, meat sauce, and a mix of cheeses like ricotta. These ingredients come together in a special way. This makes it a beloved dish for many.

Why does everyone love this classic lasagna recipe?

People love classic lasagna for many reasons. It’s warm and inviting, bringing families together. With its rich flavors, it’s like a hug from the inside.

It reminds many of cozy family dinners. This dish adds joy to any table.

What makes San Giorgio Lasagna stand out?

San Giorgio Lasagna is special because it uses authentic Italian ingredients. The recipe carefully chooses meat sauce and cheeses. It offers a taste of true homemade Italian cooking.

What are the essential ingredients for San Giorgio Lasagna?

To make San Giorgio Lasagna, you need several key ingredients. This includes noodles, ground beef, plus cheeses like ricotta. Don’t forget about spices, eggs, and a tasty sauce.

If you want, you can add Italian sausage or veggies. This will make your dish even more delicious.

How do I choose the best ingredients for authentic flavors?

To get authentic tastes, pick the freshest ingredients. Use ripe tomatoes, and herbs like basil and oregano. Good quality cheeses and homemade sauce are also key.

Choosing these carefully will make your lasagna taste like it’s right from Italy.

Can I customize the San Giorgio Lasagna recipe to fit dietary preferences?

Yes, you can tailor the San Giorgio Lasagna recipe to meet dietary needs. For vegetarians, swap meat with veggies or meat alternatives. Also, you can use gluten-free noodles for those avoiding gluten.

What are some recommended side dishes to serve with lasagna?

Lasagna pairs well with a variety of side dishes. Consider a fresh green salad or warm garlic bread. You can also choose from antipasto, roasted veggies, or a Caprese salad.

Steamed vegetables like broccoli are also great for a complete meal.

How should I store leftover lasagna?

For leftovers, cool the lasagna and cover it well. Then, refrigerate any leftovers you’ll eat within 3-4 days. For later, freeze it – just be sure to wrap it tightly.

When you reheat it, use an oven or microwave. Covering it with foil will help keep it moist.

What are common mistakes to avoid when making lasagna?

Over-layering, undercooking, and not seasoning your lasagna are common errors. Remember to let it rest before serving. Also, ensure all ingredients are spread out evenly. Avoiding these mistakes leads to a much tastier dish.

Why is it important to let lasagna rest before serving?

Letting lasagna sit before serving is key. It gives time for flavors to blend and settle. This process helps your dish keep its shape when you cut it.

It also makes the lasagna tastier and more enjoyable to eat.

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