Homemade Strawberry Jam Recipe | Quick & Easy

Ever wondered how strawberries, sugar, and lemon juice become perfect jam in 20 minutes? It’s a simple mix that turns magical.

Making homemade preserves might seem hard, but it’s not. Let’s make the most of strawberry season with an easy recipe. You just need strawberries, sugar, and lemon juice. This recipe is quick, needing no extra pectin, and ready in 40 minutes.

Key Takeaways

  • Prep Time: 20 minutes, and Cook Time: 20 minutes
  • Yields 5 cups of simple strawberry jam
  • Uses only fresh, hulled strawberries, white sugar, and lemon juice
  • Each serving contains approximately 85 calories and provides 16% of daily Vitamin C
  • No extra pectin or canning required

Why You’ll Love This Homemade Strawberry Jam Recipe

Making your own strawberry jam is deeply rewarding and tastes incredible. This jam brings fresh, vibrant flavors into your home.

Delicious and Fresh Flavor

The magic of great strawberry jam is capturing the ripe strawberries’ essence. By choosing strawberries from a local farm, your jam will be naturally sweet and rich in flavor. Adding lemon zest and juice brightens the taste, making every spoonful refreshing.

Simple Ingredients

This strawberry jam recipe is beautifully simple. You need strawberries, sugar, and lemon juice. With just 3 cups of sugar, half of what other recipes use, it’s healthier and free of artificial stuff. This simple approach means easy preparation and a healthy treat for all.

Quick and Easy Preparation

This jam is also loved for its quick making process. It only takes 15 minutes from start to finish. The steps are easy, like cooking to 220F and sealing in a water bath canner. With basic tools like Mason jars and a thermometer, you can make jam that lasts a year.

Ingredients Needed for Homemade Strawberry Jam

Making your own strawberry jam is easy and only needs a few simple ingredients. The secret to that delicious, homemade flavor is all about the simplicity and the quality of the ingredients you use.

Fresh Strawberries

Fresh, plump, and ripe strawberries are key to any strawberry jam. Just one clamshell (1lb) of fresh strawberries will make your jam sweet and full of flavor. Organic strawberries are better because they are on the “dirty dozen” list. If you can’t find fresh ones, frozen strawberries work too but might need more cooking time.

Granulated Sugar

Granulated sugar is important for strawberry jam. You need 1 1/2 cups of it. It brings out the strawberries’ sweetness and helps preserve the jam. For a low-sugar jam, just use less sugar and cook it longer to get a thick jam.

Lemon Juice

Lemon juice plays a big part in making strawberry jam too. Fresh lemon juice is best because it tastes better. It helps the jam set by working with the strawberries’ natural pectin. Plus, it makes the jam taste brighter, balancing the sweet sugar and strawberries perfectly.

Ingredient Amount
Strawberries 1 Clamshell (1lb)
Granulated Sugar 1 1/2 Cups
Lemon Juice 2 Tablespoons

Equipment You’ll Need

For delicious homemade strawberry jam, you need the right tools. Get everything ready beforehand for a smooth jam-making process. Here’s what you’ll need to begin:

Heavy-Bottomed Saucepan

A heavy-bottomed saucepan ensures even heating. This prevents your jam from burning. It’s important to pick a big enough pot for all your ingredients to stir and boil properly.

Thermometer (Optional)

Using a thermometer isn’t necessary, but it’s useful. It helps you know when the jam hits the perfect setting – about 220°F. This makes sure your jam’s consistency is just right, especially for beginners.

Jars for Storing the Jam

Sterilized jars are crucial for storing jam. They should be sanitized by boiling for at least ten minutes. After filling the jars, leave a 1/4-inch space at the top. They must sit upright for 12-24 hours to seal well. This keeps the jam fresh for up to a year. Make sure you have 4–8 jars with lids before you start.

Step-by-Step Instructions for Making Strawberry Jam

Making homemade strawberry jam is fun and rewarding. With the right ingredients and tools, you can make a delicious jam. Your family will love this easy strawberry jam.


Start by preparing 5 cups of strawberries. Wash and hull them. If you want smoother jam, crush the strawberries in a food processor. Next, measure 7 cups of sugar, 1 box of SURE JELL (pectin), and 1 tsp of butter. Make sure you have sterilized jars, rings, lids, a funnel, and a water bath canner ready.

Cooking the Jam

Begin cooking by boiling the strawberries in a heavy saucepan. Stir in the SURE JELL. After it boils, add all the sugar at once and mix well. Add 1 tsp of butter to reduce foaming. Boil for exactly 1 minute, then take off the heat. If you like it less chunky, cook a bit longer. Check for a jelly consistency at 220°F or use the “plate in the freezer” method.

Storing the Jam

Storing your jam correctly is key. Carefully pour the hot jam into sterilized jars, leaving 1/4-inch at the top. Screw the lids on finger-tight and process them in a water bath canner for 10 minutes. This ensures the jars seal properly. After sealing, let the jars cool for 24 hours without moving them. Unopened jars last in the pantry for a year. Once you open them, keep in the fridge and use within 3 weeks. For freezing, the jam lasts up to a year.

Ingredient Amount
Fresh Strawberries 5 cups
Granulated Sugar 7 cups
SURE JELL (Pectin) 1 box
Butter 1 tsp

Tips for Perfect Strawberry Jam Every Time

Making the perfect strawberry jam is rewarding. Yet, it requires close attention. Follow these expert tips for the best batch ever:

Selecting the Right Strawberries: Mix ripe and slightly underripe strawberries. This mix ensures optimal pectin for the best consistency.

Soaking Strawberries: For deeper flavor, soak strawberries in sugar overnight before boiling. This step extracts more natural juices for a richer taste.

Monitoring the Cooking Temperature: Using a thermometer is crucial. Cook the jam until it hits about 220˚F at sea level. Higher altitudes may need adjustments.

Testing the Jam’s Set: Try the “plate in the freezer” test. Place jam on a frozen plate and push it. If it wrinkles, it’s ready. The jam must also keep its shape on a frozen spoon.

Enhancing Flavor: Think about adding herbs or spices. A bit of thyme or cinnamon can boost flavor without masking the strawberry taste.

Thickening Solutions: If the jam is too runny, add more lemon juice or pectin. These help firm up the texture.

Achieving Smoothness: For smoother jam, blend the strawberries before cooking. Or, strain them to remove seeds for a softer texture.

Preserving and Storing: Your jam will last 1-2 months in the fridge. For storage up to a year, try hot water bath canning.

With these tips, you’re on track to make delicious strawberry jam. Enjoy your tasty spread for months. Happy jam-making!

Variations to Try with Your Strawberry Jam Recipe

Exploring different strawberry jam recipes lets you taste many flavors. I’ll share exciting twists on the classic strawberry jam. These will make your taste buds happy.

Mixed Berry Jam

Try mixed berry jam for a fruity taste. Mix strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries for complex flavors. This jam is colorful and fresh, perfect for berry lovers.

Herbed Strawberry Jam

Add fresh herbs like basil or mint to your strawberry jam. It brings a unique aroma. This herbed strawberry jam goes well with cheeses and crackers.

Basil and mint are popular herbed jams, loved by many. They add freshness and a delightful taste to your jam.

Spicy Strawberry Jam

For those who like it hot, try spicy strawberry jam. Add chili flakes or jalapeño for a kick. It’s great with grilled meats or appetizers.

Let’s look at some unique jam recipes:

Jam Recipe Popularity Percentage
Strawberry and Rhubarb 13.6%
Rhubarb and Ginger 13.6%
Herbed Strawberry Jam (Mint and Basil) 18.1%
Spicy Strawberry Jam 4.5%

From mixed berry to spicy jams, there are many flavors to try. Each offers a special taste for your strawberry jam.

How to Store and Preserve Your Strawberry Jam

After making your yummy homemade strawberry jam, you’ll want to keep it tasty. The way you store it is important. You can choose from refrigeration, freezing, or canning. I’ll explain how each method works to keep your jam great.


Storing your jam in the fridge is easy. Just put the jam in airtight containers and refrigerate. Your jam will stay fresh for up to 4-6 weeks. If you’ve made preserves, they can last a bit longer, around 6-8 weeks. Using quality strawberries is the trick for better taste and longer life.


If you want your jam to last longer, try freezing. Use jars made for freezing and fill them while hot. This creates a seal to keep out mold and bacteria. Your jam can taste great for up to a year this way. It’s a great choice for keeping your jam tasty for a long time.

Canning for Long-Term Storage

Canning is a traditional way to keep your jam for up to 1-2 years. The water bath technique works best for this. Using proper pectin and lemon juice ensures your jam sets right. They make your jam just sweet enough and help it keep its texture.

Adding a bit of butter stops foam from forming. This makes your jam clear. Stick to the recipe, boil well, and stir often. Use tools like jar funnels and lifters for safe canning. This way, your jam stays good for ages.

Learning these storage tips means you can enjoy homemade jam whenever you want. It’ll taste freshly made each time. Keep on preserving and enjoy your jam!

The Best Ways to Use Your Homemade Strawberry Jam

Your homemade strawberry jam isn’t just for toast. It’s a multi-use condiment. Let’s look at some fun ways to use this tasty jam every day.

On Toast and Biscuits

Spreading it over warm toast or fresh biscuits is classic. A lot of strawberry jam on toast makes mornings better. On biscuits, it makes tea time special.

As a Dessert Topping

It’s great on desserts too. Try it on ice cream, or mix it into yogurt. Or, use it to make cakes and pastries tastier. Your homemade jam can make simple sweets amazing.

In Sandwiches and More

It’s not just for PB&J sandwiches. Your jam can shine in fancy sandwiches as well. It goes well with meats and cheeses, like in ham or turkey sandwiches. Be bold and mix it into your recipes.

Frequently Asked Questions About Making Strawberry Jam

strary jam FAQs

I’ve gathered common questions about making strawberry jam. This will help you make the best batch ever. Whether you’re a beginner or looking to improve, these FAQs are for you.

Making strawberry jam is simple and fast. You’ll spend about 20 minutes preparing. Cooking takes another 10 minutes. Don’t forget about 15 minutes to cool down.

What are the essential ingredients for homemadeis :

A good homemade recipe includes strawberries, sugar, lemon juice, pectin, and a little salt. These ingredients guarantee a tasty jam.

Can I use frozen strawberries for my jam?

Yes, frozen strawberries work well for jam. Just cook it a bit longer as they release more water.

Why isfectin important, and can I make jam without it?

Pectin helps the non would set and last longer. It’s okay to make jam without pectin. Yet, achieving the right thickness might be harder. Sometimes fruit’s natural pectin is enough, especially for small amounts.

What should I do if my jam doesn’t set properly?

If your jam is too thin, cook it again. Add a tablespoon of cornstarch mixed with water for every cup of jam. Heat it until it’s thick enough for you.

How should I store my homemade strawberry jam?

Store your jam in the fridge for up to a month, freeze for 6 months to a year, or can it to last up to 18 months. Keep it in the fridge after opening for 2 weeks.

Can I substitute sugar with a healthier option?

Yes, try honey or agave syrup instead of sugar. This could change the jam’s texture. You might need to experiment to get it just right.

What is the best ratio of fruit to sugar?

A 1:1 fruit to sugar ratio is ideal. It makes the jam set well and taste like traditional jam.

How can I test if my jam is ready?

To check if your jam is set, use a thermometer to see if it’s reached 220 degrees Fahrenheit. Or do a freezer plate test. Drop some jam on a cold plate and tilt it. If it firms up quickly without running, it’s done.

How long can class=”strawber” can be stored? Refrigerated for up to 1 month, frozen up to 1 year, canned up to 18 months.
Top alternative ingredient for sugar? Honey or agave syrup.
How to fix runny? Re-cook with cornstarch dissolved in water.
Fruit to sugar ratio? 1:1
Can frozen strawberries be used? Yes, with adjusted boiling time.

Feel free to start making strawberry jam. Look back at these FAQs if you need help!

Troubleshooting Common Jam-Making Issues

Even if you’re skilled at making jam, you might run into some problems. These can range from runny to overly thick jams. Here, we’ll cover some key tips for fixing common jam issues. This will help you get the perfect consistency for your strawberry jam.

Jam Doesn’t Set

A runny jam is a common issue. It often happens if there’s too much water or not enough pectin. To check if your jam will set, look for a temperature between 103-105˚C. If it’s too runny, add more pectin or more fruit juice that’s rich in pectin.

Overly Thick Jam

Overcooking can make your jam too thick. This happens when it gets hotter than 105˚C. Then, too much water evaporates, or there’s too much pectin. Watch the cooking closely and adjust the sugar and water as needed. To fix a thick jam, gently heat it and add some water.

Foam on the Jam

Seeing foam on your jam? This happens with rapid boiling. While it’s not harmful, it can make your jam look less appealing. You can remove the foam by skimming it off. Adding a little butter, about half a teaspoon, also helps. After processing, let your jam jars sit for 12-24 hours. This ensures they set well.


Can I use frozen strawberries instead of fresh ones?

Yes, frozen strawberries work if you don’t have fresh ones. Just thaw and drain them well to avoid soggy jam.

How can I tell when my strawberry jam has reached the gel stage?

Check the mixture’s temperature with a thermometer; it should be 220°F. Or do the “plate in the freezer” test.

Drop a spoonful of jam on a cold plate. If it wrinkles when you push it and stays apart, it’s ready.

Can I double the batch of this strawberry jam recipe?

Doubling the recipe is doable. Just make sure your pot is big and watch the cooking time closely.

Adjust cooking time as needed to get the jam just right.

Is it okay to reduce the sugar in the recipe?

Less sugar changes the jam’s texture and shelf-life. Use a low-sugar or special sugar substitute meant for canning.

How do I store homemade strawberry jam?

Store jam in clean jars. Keep it in the fridge for short use. For longer, freeze it or can it using a water bath.

My jam is too runny, how can I fix it?

If it’s too runny, re-cook the jam. Heat it up again and cook until it thickens. A bit more lemon juice might help it set. from the saucepan.

Can I add other flavors to the strawberry jam?

Yes, you can. Mix in herbs like basil or mint. Or mix in other berries. For heat, add chili flakes or jalapeños.

What should I do if my jam is too thick?

If it’s too thick, thin it with a little water or juice. Warm it gently, stirring to avoid burning until it’s just right.

How can I avoid foam on the make jam?

Skim off foam as you cook. For lots of foam, a tiny bit of butter (about 1/4 teaspoon) helps reduce it.

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